This has been a short but interesting week at We have processed over 100 applications and courses are beginning to fill up quickly. Online learners are finding their way into their course areas and have begun to sort out how to approach the learning activities and maintain contact with teachers.
Debbie Richardson visited three communities over three days and came back excited and exhausted. She met with students, principals, student support staff and teachers.
Tuesday was Literacy Day and the staff had a table and display set up at the event. Brent Endicott chatted with students and onlookers from his home office in Moose Jaw through the live web conference room. Kelly and Ted were available to answer questions and show people how the edcentre works. There were hot dogs, face painting, displays, and hundreds of donated books for families to take home.
On Wednesday afternoon Kona attended a presentation provided through the Ministry of Education about Provincial Exams.
Thursday morning Brent met online with a group of students from Creighton High School. guessed it ......from his home office in Moose Jaw.
This morning Kona and Kelly hosted a pankcake breakfast at the edcentre. (See Kelly's post) Now here we are again on Friday afternoon trying to stay caught up with new students.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!