Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Web-Conference Assembly...

Please join us in an online assembly web-conference on Wed. February 13th, 2013 from 2:30 -3:00.  Use this link http://breeze.edcentre.ca/assembly1 enter as a guest and type your name in.  We will be discussing options for credits such as Prior Learning 30 and the Special Project credit.  We will have door prize draw for all participants who join us that day.

***We will also be making a SPECIAL COURSE COMPLETION draw for an ipad Mini.  Everyone who has passed an online course since the Fall will have their name put into the ipad mini draw.  If they finished more than one course they will have more tickets in the draw.


Please take a moment and click on the link below to add YOUR comments regards the best tips and tricks or your experiences in completing online courses.   If they can't attend they can participate in the voicethread for a little door prize.


Friday, February 8, 2013

1500 Recommended Online Video Education Resources

Recommended Online Video Education Resources (ROVER): 

Students now have access to approximately 1500 ROVER videos 

from anywhere with an internet connection. 

To access the videos go to http://rover.edonline.sk.ca/  

You will be redirected to a login where you will be required to login using 

your legal first and last names (firstname.lastname) and 

password, the numeric month and day of your birthday day (eg. July 1st would be 0701)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Poem "What it means to be Aboriginal" by Holly Caribou

A  mazing Nations
B  eauitful get togethers
O  utgoing People
ights are like friends
I  n Canada is home
G  reat  traditions
I  ntelligent Tribe
N  ations all over Canada
A  boriginal ceremonies
L  ovely friends and family

Poem by Holly Caribou Native Studies 30