Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Small steps lead to great distances

Join us as we celebrate learning!
 It's often surprising how far we can go by stepping  toward our goals every day. Small steps lead to great distances.

Join us on Wednesday, February 15 from 2:30-3:00pm as we celebrate learning through the edcentre.ca online learning community.

There will door prizes for participants!  See you there!
Follow this link on Wednesday at 2:30 pm

Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Knew Math Could Be Fun ?

One of the unit projects in Workplace Math 20 is to design a tourist brochure using graphs to represent information. Check out the work by Melanie Klassen. It could pass for a real brochure from the tourist centre.

Monday, February 6, 2012

There is an app for that!

There is a new app for the edcentre.ca online school. You can download the app to an i-phone or an i-pad and quickly access contact information and related edcentre.ca links. The app can be found in the app store under edcentre.ca or edcentre. Thanks to Jason Murfin for jumping into the future and figuring out how to make this happen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joanna's First Glogster

Joanna, a Native Studies 20 student, created her first "glog" to represent an indigenous culture outside of Canada.

A glog is an interactive poster creator that allows users to add color themes, video, audio, text, and pictures to a poster background and then easily share it with others. It's a fun way to represent a message or present some info and can be found at www.glogster.com.