ELA A30 Elliot Clarke Powerpoint "Poem & Northern Scenery"
This site is an opportunity for participants in the edcentre.ca online learning community to find out what is happening or discuss and share new ideas.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
What is Science Inquiry?
What is Science Inquiry? Science is the process that allows us to to understand, or at least to better understand, the natural world through observable physical evidence. This is a process that is accomplished through observation and experimentation, aimed to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions. The method that science uses to accomplish this task is referred to as "The Scientific Method", or better termed "Scientific Inquiry". In this way, science inquiry not only uses pre existing constructs, but perhaps more importantly, allows for the creation of new concepts that can in long term lead to a complete new understanding of the natural world. Perhaps one of the best ways to drive this process, is to place students from early grades up into a laboratory. In this way, students begin to feel comfortable asking difficult questions, and begin the process of collecting evidence, interpreting, and constructing explanations. What's even more compelling, is that through structured inquiry, students can be presented with a phenomena and begin to generate their own unique questions, design experiments, gather evidence, and finally propose explanations based solely on their own work.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
What is so important about communication in an online class?
As an online teacher, communication is something I continually struggle with. I sometimes feel like I am just a button pusher, riding an office chair. I miss the interactive side of the traditional classroom space. I want to feel like there is some sort of connection with the learning activities and with me as the teacher. I know that we learn from one another and that learning can be very difficult in isolation. I want to know that I can make a difference.
When I have communicated something in an assignment or lesson, I want to know that ideas, concepts and instructions for learning activities are clear. Without feedback I am left to wonder about the activity. Is it ok? Is something missing? Does an idea need to be presented in a different way? How can I make the learning experience better? What do the learners think of the activity?
When it comes to day to day activity in a school setting, we can meet students ask how their day is going and get to know more about them than a name on a screen. There is a huge social environment in school settings that is difficult to replicate in an online community. In the online world, the social relationship is something that often has to be pushed in order to get a smooth communication flow. We don't get to make eye contact as everyone walks into the classroom and just chat. I know that encouragement and support are really important for online students and I think the opportunities to offer the support needed are sometimes overlooked. Often a student may not feel comfortable reaching out for help and will avoid contacting the teacher. Sometimes help comes from someone at home, a friend or someone in the community.
In my experience, successful online students are willing to troubleshoot on their own and reach out for help when necessary. Communication by telephone, messaging, email, comments in assignments or lesson submissions, learning journals, and web conferencing are all tools for establishing and maintaining contact with the teacher or other learners. If you are an online student, I encourage you to reach out and share with others in discussion forums or blogs. Most important of all, please humor the teacher at the other end and say hello in there or pretend you need help from time to time.
Another Great ThingLink !
ThingLink is a great alternative to present information than the traditional Powerpoint or slideshow. Here is a cool example from Erin who was tasked with gathering some info on an Indigenous tribe from outside of Canada. Scroll over the picture for some good information.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
And the winner is...
Congratulations to Tammy Fiske! She won the Northern Saskatchewan Student Achievement Award for the 2013-2014 school year. We have 2 of these awards to give each year to recognize outstanding achievement in Northern Saskatchewan. It comes with a medal, certificate and a cheque. Tammy said, "It's already spent!"
Will you win in 2014-2015?
Will you win in 2014-2015?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
What is so great about online classes?
If you have considered taking an online class you are not alone. Access to online learning opportunities continues to grow exponentially. If you want to find something out or connect with new developments anywhere in the world, you can quickly find answers on the Internet. With social networking tools like facebook, twitter, vine, YouTube and google plus it is possible to learn from one another in ways we likely wouldn’t have dreamed of even ten years ago.

So back to the question: ………..What is so great about online classes?
This is a question that I ask students at the beginning of an online English class as a starting point for writing. Here are a few of the responses. There appear to be a few underlying themes here. What do you think? (You can share your thoughts in a comment below.)
“I like that I can go online and go onto my class and do how much work and whenever I want to or when I have enough time to finish a few lessons”
“I like the fact that I get to work on my very own time. I hate being around people and especially not in a classroom. I feel I can spend more time online doing my work after I'm home from school. I feel more motivated and focused on my work here but I still have to focus on work in school.”
“I like online classes. I can do this class anywhere and it is new and different to me.”
“Online classes are better then normal school classes in my opinion because wherever you are as long as you have internet you can finish your classes and you don't have to worry about falling behind.”
“I think what's great about taking online classes is that you can schedule a time to work on it and you don't have anyone distracting you. The differences between online classes and face-to-face classes is that you're not face-to-face with a teacher, and you don't have other students around you.”
“I like the fact that I get to work on a very flexible schedule. I like being alone, and not in a classroom. I feel that I can get a better understanding on learning here rather than being in a high school classroom. I feel more motivated and focused on my work here.”
“From my perspective online classes are very helpful. You get to log in anytime of the day and get to do these assignments on your own time, also you get to talk online which is very helpful. The difference between online and face-to-face is that online you can be at ease, work and concentrate on you're on time and at school it can be frustrating with all the noise around. In school you have all these priorities and assignments are limited to a class schedule.”
“The great thing about taking online classes is that you can work at your own pace, whether it's working ahead of others or going on a vacation and doing your online assignments there. Also the differences between online classes and face-to-face classes is that in face to face classes you can not really work on your own pace. You need to be on the same "chapter" as some teachers say as the other students. But taking online classes, it's a lot easier and more exciting to finish first!”
“Online classes fit to anyone's schedule and there are many benefits. You don't have to get up in the morning and get ready for class. You can log in any time of the day. You can work at your own pace. The difference between online and face-to-face is that you don't have to get up in front of the classroom and read or do presentations. When your online, there's no need to be shy. You’re in the comfort of your own home, preparing a future for yourself. Enough said.”
“Students can communicate with fellow students and instructors through blogs, discussion boards, and other online forums.”
“I am a very shy person, so I don't really like talking to teachers face to face. If I get something wrong they say something to me and look me in the eyes and I don't like that. With online its still face to face but they’re just farther away and its on computer. I think this class will be much easier for me and other students that are shy like me to be online. The good thing is that you can go on it whenever you want and finish your work.”
“I think taking online classes are good because if you don’t have child care or your child is on a waiting list it’s good to be at home with your children while getting an education. It is also helpful to be able to work on it a home if you don’t have any transportation.”
“The great thing about online classes is that you can work at your own pace without restrictions, due dates or continuous reminders. Some say it takes out the social communication, I disagree because some of the assignments require help from another student or teacher. Doing online classes create more responsibility, more technology usage and better independent skills for each student.”
Monday, September 8, 2014
Ministry Of Education Anti-Bullying Online Reporting Tool
On June 24, the Ministry of Education introduced a way in which
students can anonymously report a bullying incident. (They only have to report the school and community.) This is in response
to feedback released earlier in the school year with details described
in "Saskatchewan's Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying".
As a result, the Ministry created an anti-bullying online reporting tool.
Alternate Website "I Am Stronger" http://iamstronger.ca/
You deserve to feel safe, respected and welcome at your school.
Are you being bullied?
Witnessed someone else being bullied?
Are you, or someone you know, at risk of hurting yourself or someone else?
Despite how you might feel, you are not alone.
Report Bullying SK is an anonymous and confidential online reporting tool for students. Report it.
Alternate Website "I Am Stronger" http://iamstronger.ca/
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
The Back to School Rhapsody
Welcome back to another round of distance learning with the edcentre ! Please do not hesitate to contact us to get started or to chat. The coffee is always on; there may even be some baked goods if Haydukewich was bored the night before!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Thinking of working in the Tar Sands ??
If you have thought of finding a job in the tar sands of Alberta, you may want to check out Emile Beatty's Science 10 project for some background information. He makes a great presentation on the negative aspects of oil production in Canada.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Vision and Belief
This is a Wordle for the Northern Lights School Division Vision and Belief statements
Words appear larger if they occur more times in the text that has been entered to make the picture. In this case it is interesting to see how the words "Community" and "Northern" stand out.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Strap yourself in....
EDCENTRE.CA LIVE is coming to a computer near YOU!
We will be gathering in the edcentre.ca LIVE room (February 12 at NOON) to have some fun, celebrate the beginning of the next semester and some amazing accomplishments.There will be food at the LIVE school sites, student talent from at least two locations, a Tae Kwan Do Demonstration by a 5th degree Black Belt, Canadian National Gold Medal winner, door prizes for participants, AND a draw for a Samsung Tablet. If you have completed an online class since September 2013, you could WIN.
Click on the EDCENTRE.CA LIVE link, Noon, February 12 (enter as a guest)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Steven Segal can predict the future!!
Mitch Morin brought to my attention a speech by Steven Segal at the end of one of his movies. In his Science 10 course, Mitch has been studying Sustainability of Ecosystems and discovered Segal's speech from 1994!! That's 20 years ago!! Can Steven Segal predict the future? Watch and decide.
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