As the Olympics come to a close this weekend, one wonders whether the exuberant display of patriotism will live on. I don't think I can remember an event where we have such as display our Canada flag. All Olympic competition areas have been a sea of red. (maybe Canadians caught the colors bug from the Saskatchewan Roughriders)
As CTV were out interviewing people on the street many foreigners commented that they didn't think we were very patriotic - humm... so why would they think that!! It isn't the type of constant in your face patriotism displayed by the USA - but rather a patriotism of the calmer kind.
The other thing that I noticed about this world class event is the exposure that our Aboriginal peoples have had - wonderful!!
I hope that the Olympics has helped us to remind us of what a great country we live in. We have more Canadian heroes - let's celebrate!!! (Wish I had one pair of the 3million mittens that were sold- I'd frame them)