Monday, February 1, 2010

Science Leadership Academy

Imagine a school where all of the teachers have similar ideas about how to approach learning.

Imagine a school where learning is based on asking questions, (inquiry) collaborating and engaging in projects in order to learn and discover. Imagine a school where technology is just part of what people do, like using a telephone, or buying groceries with a debit card.

Imagine a school where using technology is not viewed as innovative or something new, it is simply part of everyday learning.

I browsed through links on the moodle site for the Science Leadership Academy this morning after reading a blog post from Dean Shareski who was attending a conference hosted by the school. I followed some of the links to published writing and project descriptions posted by students via video, wikis and other web 2.0 tools. I was encouraged by what I found and heartened to know that there are model schools out there that have been able to create school environments that are engaging and exciting places to learn and explore.
This is the 21st century....we have had better tools for learning for quite some time now. It's time to stop talking about them as if they were something innovative.

Maybe we shouldn't be just imagining......maybe we should be imagining and DOING.

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