Have you ever told a story?
Think about the the kind of expression needed to hold the interest of a child. Think about the important pauses, the element of surprise, and of course, the "scary" parts. How do you draw in your audience?
A good storyteller isn't a story "reader", a good story teller "tells" the story.
One of the tasks in exploring children's literature in our ELA 20 class is to re-tell a story and record it.
Natahsa Prokopchuk decided to write her own story and share it.
I think it should be illustrated and published. What do you think?
This site is an opportunity for participants in the edcentre.ca online learning community to find out what is happening or discuss and share new ideas.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Kona and Jason recently got to talk Native Studies with some bright eyed and bushy tailed kids from Hawaii. They are from Kamehameha School on the main island of Hawaii where it was a sunny 28 degrees. The full video can be seen here.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Aboriginal Arts and Stories
Enter the largest and most recognized art and creative writing competition in Canada for Aboriginal youth!
Are you between the ages of 14-29?
Showcase your creativity and explore your heritage through Aboriginal Arts and Stories
Web site: www.our-story.ca
This looks like an interesting opportunity to explore Aboriginal heritage through Arts and Stories. You can follow up by heading to the website link above.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Climate Change in a Nutshell
You have probably heard about climate change or global warming at some point in your travels, but do you know the causes or risks associated with it? As a final project in Science 10, Erin Aubichon chose to try and explain global warming and climate change in an interactive presentation.
Check it out. There are videos, infographics, quotes, pictures, and text all in one shot! The best way to view is to manually drag the page around with your mouse, the forward/play button sometimes acts funny.
Check it out. There are videos, infographics, quotes, pictures, and text all in one shot! The best way to view is to manually drag the page around with your mouse, the forward/play button sometimes acts funny.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Conserve Water !
This is an example of a presentation tool called Prezi. Erin Aubichon is learning about sustainability of ecosystems in Science 10 and created this Prezi to help educate others on the importance of water conservation.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Congrats to Melissa Sanderson, recipient of the Northern Student Acheivement Award
Melissa Sanderson stopped by the school to receive her Northern Student
Achievement Award. She already received her diploma during the edcentre
Learning Celebration in June. Well done Melissa!!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Do you drink this stuff?
Benjamin Lamontagne chose to learn about energy drinks and their effect on humans as a wrap up to his Science 10 course. Check out his presentation below and maybe it will answer some of your questions about energy drinks.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
What is the average hourly wage of the job you want?
Anyone interested in the average hourly wages of certain careers? Joseph Custer, in the Workplace and Apprenticeship Math 30 course, created an infographic which will make things a little easier for you to decide.
Using arithmetic and trimmed means, he calculated the hourly wages of these jobs in Canada.
Using arithmetic and trimmed means, he calculated the hourly wages of these jobs in Canada.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Reintroducing "The KHAN ACADEMY" Learing Resources.
What's KHAN ACADEMY all about? With a library of over 4,100 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
Click on the Khan Academy Image (above) to be linked directly to the Academy. Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Zite is just right....
If you have an Apple smartphone or iPad, Android devices or Windows 7 enabled devices, then you can download the application. What is Zite you may ask? Well, basically it's a self-generating personalized magazine. Simply enter a topic of interest into Zite (no limits) and then be amazed as it finds the most up to date material available on the web related to that topic. As teachers, this could be used to introduce units of interest, or maybe research. It's an amazing tool.
http://www.zite.comThursday, May 9, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Congratulations on your graduation! Now what?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
WARNING!!! With spring well underway it may be far too easy to forget about completing our online learning program. However, keep in mind that our tentative course completion deadline of May 31st is only 5 weeks away... It is important to realize that putting off your course means that a longer amount of time lapses, resulting in less time and opportunity for you to achieve your goal of success. In order to change this, our edcentre team offers the following 6 tips to change that darn procrastination in your online learning.
1. Schedule Your Time – Time management is essential if you want to avoid procrastination. Schedule your lesson and course completion goals on a calendar and most importantly - stick to this schedule.
2. Tackle Your Most Challenging Tasks – Check your daily calendar "daily" to make sure you stay on schedule. Complete the most important or hardest tasks first, then go onto other tasks.
3. Exercise Flexibility – Do not get discouraged if you fall behind schedule. Simply re-visit your calendar (step 1) and adjust accordingly taking into account the amount of time you can spend per day on the class. Remember, light does exist at the end of the tunnel... You just need to see it from a distance and orient towards it.
4. Prepare Ahead of Time – Before you start your daily lessons, it is important to determine both how much time you can put towards the lesson and what outcomes you need to achieve after completing the lesson. Your teacher will most likely have a link to or included in the lesson the online goals... Make certain you use this as a both a guide to what you will be learning, as well as a review of what has been learned at the lesson completion. Being prepared will allow you to stay on track and accomplish all of your educational, personal, and career goals.
5. Reward Yourself – It is important to reward yourself for a job well done. Give yourself a break and do something YOU want to do... Go for a run, watch a show, visit a friend... Just relax and embrace the fact that YOU are on the road to success.
6. Showcase Confidence – It is crucial to stay away from negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will remind you why you procrastinated in the first place. Remember to constantly remind yourself of the end result and the accomplished feeling you will have once it is complete.
1. Schedule Your Time – Time management is essential if you want to avoid procrastination. Schedule your lesson and course completion goals on a calendar and most importantly - stick to this schedule.
2. Tackle Your Most Challenging Tasks – Check your daily calendar "daily" to make sure you stay on schedule. Complete the most important or hardest tasks first, then go onto other tasks.
3. Exercise Flexibility – Do not get discouraged if you fall behind schedule. Simply re-visit your calendar (step 1) and adjust accordingly taking into account the amount of time you can spend per day on the class. Remember, light does exist at the end of the tunnel... You just need to see it from a distance and orient towards it.
4. Prepare Ahead of Time – Before you start your daily lessons, it is important to determine both how much time you can put towards the lesson and what outcomes you need to achieve after completing the lesson. Your teacher will most likely have a link to or included in the lesson the online goals... Make certain you use this as a both a guide to what you will be learning, as well as a review of what has been learned at the lesson completion. Being prepared will allow you to stay on track and accomplish all of your educational, personal, and career goals.
5. Reward Yourself – It is important to reward yourself for a job well done. Give yourself a break and do something YOU want to do... Go for a run, watch a show, visit a friend... Just relax and embrace the fact that YOU are on the road to success.
6. Showcase Confidence – It is crucial to stay away from negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will remind you why you procrastinated in the first place. Remember to constantly remind yourself of the end result and the accomplished feeling you will have once it is complete.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Living The Life
Some people dream and others do. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to look after a dog team? Watch Elliot's video to get a better picture. This is a shared project from Elliot's Communication Media course.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Hit us with your best shot!! Ba dunh ba dunh......C'mon, hit us with your best shot!!
would like your picture for our blog and digital signage so people can
see the students of our Online Learning Community. NO NAMES WILL BE PUBLISHED!! So have no fear, send us a pic and help our edcentre community grow. Send yours to register@edcentre.ca
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Niagara Falls
First Inaugural First Nation Technology Summit in Sudbury, ON
Kona Guest was invited to be a guest speaker in Sudbury, Ontario on March 21, 2013. Her presentation was called "Technology Tips and Tricks" check out her "prezi" below. When she was picked up at the airport the name said "Konka" Guest...lol. After the conference she was able to spend the weekend visiting family in the Toronto/Hamilton area. They took her to see the amazing Niagara Falls. It was an experience she will never forget.Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The United Nations declared March 21 as the International day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to commemorate the killing of peaceful anti-apartheid protestors on March 21, 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa.
On March 21 and every day we need to recognize and reject the roots of racism. If we do not stand against discrimination in our daily lives we allow it to exist.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Web-Conference Assembly...
Please join us in an online assembly web-conference on Wed. February 13th, 2013 from 2:30 -3:00. Use this link http://breeze.edcentre.ca/assembly1 enter as a guest and type your name in. We will be discussing options for credits such as Prior Learning 30 and the Special Project credit. We will have door prize draw for all participants who join us that day.
***We will also be making a SPECIAL COURSE COMPLETION draw for an ipad Mini. Everyone who has passed an online course since the Fall will have their name put into the ipad mini draw. If they finished more than one course they will have more tickets in the draw.
Please take a moment and click on the link below to add YOUR comments regards the best tips and tricks or your experiences in completing online courses. If they can't attend they can participate in the voicethread for a little door prize.
***We will also be making a SPECIAL COURSE COMPLETION draw for an ipad Mini. Everyone who has passed an online course since the Fall will have their name put into the ipad mini draw. If they finished more than one course they will have more tickets in the draw.
Please take a moment and click on the link below to add YOUR comments regards the best tips and tricks or your experiences in completing online courses. If they can't attend they can participate in the voicethread for a little door prize.
Friday, February 8, 2013
1500 Recommended Online Video Education Resources
Recommended Online Video Education Resources (ROVER):
Students now have access to approximately 1500 ROVER videos
from anywhere with an internet connection.
To access the videos go to http://rover.edonline.sk.ca/
You will be redirected to a login where you will be required to login using
your legal first and last names (firstname.lastname) and
password, the numeric month and day of your birthday day (eg. July 1st would be 0701).
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Poem "What it means to be Aboriginal" by Holly Caribou
A mazing
B eauitful
get togethers
O utgoing
R ights are like friends
I n
Canada is home
G reat
I ntelligent
N ations
all over Canada
A boriginal
L ovely
friends and family
Poem by Holly Caribou Native Studies 30
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Idle No More
Congratulations to the Communication Media 20 class in La Loche for creating this video!
Monday, January 14, 2013
7 keys to Success...
If your willing to go after it, then success can be yours. It is NOT handed out, you must 'take it by force'. The following keys will help you succeed both in your online education and your future.
Seven Life Changing Keys to Success:
1. Do and Dare
Get out of your comfort zone and try something altogether new. Challenge yourself. Stretch the amount of work you do, stretch your expectations, and stretch your imagination.
2. Double Your Failure Rate
If you want to succeed, you need to fail. It is these failures that allow you to build a foundation to succeed. Think of it like this, before you can walk you will most likely have stumbled many times. Eventually, you walk. It is these stumbles that allow for success.
3. Desire what you are after and go for it!
To succeed, you must want to succeed more than anything else. Establish your goal and stay motivated and focused on it no matter what. Without desire, you won’t have the motivation to accomplish the goal.
4. You need Determination and Commitment
You have to have the determination of a bull dog. You have to latch on, and refuse to let go. Desire, determination and commitment will strategically position you to succeed.
5. Excellence is Required
Set your standards to very high, and ALWAYS give your best.
6. Vision is Necessary
To succeed, you must ponder success. Only through pondering success will you create the desire to make success a reality. You must have a clear vision of what you are about to achieve. This desire must consume you. If the desire consumes you, it will one day be realized.
7. Go To Success
“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”
–Marva Collins
Success won’t fall in your lap; you have to go after it. You have to chase it down. You have to want it more than anything else. A lazy person won’t succeed, only those who are willing to work; those who are willing to “go to it.”
Are you willing to go to success? Do you have a clear vision, do you have a burning desire, are you willing to fail, if you are, you are well on your way to success
Seven Life Changing Keys to Success:
1. Do and Dare
Get out of your comfort zone and try something altogether new. Challenge yourself. Stretch the amount of work you do, stretch your expectations, and stretch your imagination.
2. Double Your Failure Rate
If you want to succeed, you need to fail. It is these failures that allow you to build a foundation to succeed. Think of it like this, before you can walk you will most likely have stumbled many times. Eventually, you walk. It is these stumbles that allow for success.
3. Desire what you are after and go for it!
To succeed, you must want to succeed more than anything else. Establish your goal and stay motivated and focused on it no matter what. Without desire, you won’t have the motivation to accomplish the goal.
4. You need Determination and Commitment
You have to have the determination of a bull dog. You have to latch on, and refuse to let go. Desire, determination and commitment will strategically position you to succeed.
5. Excellence is Required
Set your standards to very high, and ALWAYS give your best.
6. Vision is Necessary
To succeed, you must ponder success. Only through pondering success will you create the desire to make success a reality. You must have a clear vision of what you are about to achieve. This desire must consume you. If the desire consumes you, it will one day be realized.
7. Go To Success
“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”
–Marva Collins
Success won’t fall in your lap; you have to go after it. You have to chase it down. You have to want it more than anything else. A lazy person won’t succeed, only those who are willing to work; those who are willing to “go to it.”
Are you willing to go to success? Do you have a clear vision, do you have a burning desire, are you willing to fail, if you are, you are well on your way to success
Friday, January 11, 2013
Another great example of an engaging Science activity from Elliot Clarke. His focus was to visit nature and document biodiversity and the presence of humans in nature. He mentions the different flora and fauna in relation to distance from lakeshore, as well as the evidence of human presence via snowmobile tracks.
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