I am convocating on June 11, 2009 at Athabasca University in Athabasca, Alberta. with my Masters in Distance Education. I asked my family and friends to chip in for a Thunderchild Crabapple tree for my gift. It is eventually going to look like the one in the pictrue but right now it is just a "teenager"....lol
That is my reward from them and I am also buying myself a cell phone.
It is a Samsung Omnia i910 and hopefully I can mark assignments from it when I am at my convocation this week. To watch my convocation webcast click on the link below at 1:00 Thursday June 11, 2009. If you are interested in Post Secondary distance edcuation browse the courses on the rest of the website. Athabasca University is very flexible and supports their learners.
Kona Bryson
That is my reward from them and I am also buying myself a cell phone.

Kona Bryson
I have one of these Thunderchild crabapple trees in my back yard. They are glorious when in bloom!
Congratulations on convocating.
Congratulations Kona! You deserve a long summer and beautiful tree for your efforts!
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