This site is an opportunity for participants in the online learning community to find out what is happening or discuss and share new ideas.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Talks Andrea Ghez: The hunt for a supermassive black hole
Google now has "BOOKS" as a category!
Important Update: On November 19, 2009, the Court granted preliminary approval of the Amended Settlement. If you're an author, publisher, or copyright holder, please visit the settlement administration site for information.
The Future of Google Books
Our groundbreaking agreement with authors and publishers.
Three years ago, the Authors Guild, the Association of American Publishers and a handful of authors and publishers filed a class action lawsuit against Google Books.
Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even more of the world's books online. Together we'll accomplish far more than any of us could have individually, to the enduring benefit of authors, publishers, researchers and readers alike.
It will take some time for this agreement to be approved and finalized by the Court. For now, here's a peek at the changes we hope you'll soon see.
New! Read what people are saying about the Google Books settlement
The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells
Monday, December 14, 2009
Our Legacy - Historical Info on Aboriginal Peoples of Saskatchewan

This is a great site where you can find historical information on Metis, First Nations, and Inuit people in Saskatchewan. When you go to the site you will see a list on the side of all the different regions that have material posted on the site.
Link to Main Site: Our Legacy
Northern Saskatchewan Archives has info from northern areas, but make sure you check out the other areas (Prince Albert Historical Society) as they also have items related to northern Sask.
The material on this site was made available to the public online by:
This site developed by the University of Saskatchewan Archives, University of Saskatchewan Library, and Pahkisimon Nuye?ah Library System
Connecting with change
I occasionally take the time to connect because I know that if I don't, I am .....disconnected and likely out of touch with the the daily changing digital world. I think that TweetDeck offers another way to quickly monitor the talk. The other side of this is being a part of change and being able to participate in the conversations.
The way we choose to use the tools around us defines our capabilities. If we expand our abilities to use new tools then we have one more way to interact with the world. Learning to use tools in a creative or innovative way is no different than a trapper in a remote area leveraging the materials at hand to get something done. Often circumstances suggest a new way to do something.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Shawn Atleo on The Hour
Searching this blog
While we are busy posting new and fresh ideas, we still need the ability to find artifacts and re-visit posts from the past. Scrolling and searching through titles just doesn't cut it, but the new blog search tool (upper right top) is great for digging up previous topics.
Type a topic or keyword and see what you can find.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Working over Christmas Holidays
Monday, December 7, 2009
Open Teaching and Learning
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Plato Web Learning Network
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Being Appreciative
It is interesting that you do not appreciate things until you no longer have them. For example when you are healthy you do not appreciate it until you are sick. We should always take the time out of our busy day to show our appreciation for others and be content with what we have.....
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Well played
-Live well. Sieze the moment!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Watermelon Heads in Calgary

Go Riders Go!
Apparently there will be no shortage of watermelons in Calgary for the Rider fans thanks to Safeway stores who have had a special shipment of 3000 watermelons sent to their stores.
Picture belongs to CTV News
See the story on the CTV News site - Story titled
Watermelon Shortage Averted Ahead of Grey Cup.
Get all the Rider hooplah at Riderville
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Are you feeling low on energy? Watch the video of the assembly.
"Recharge Your Battery"
If you missed the November assembly this past Wednesday you can watch it now.
It will help you get more energy and reach your goals! If you watch it before Dec.4th/09 let Kona know and you will be entered into a draw for a prize!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tomatosphere Project

Want to be a part of space experiment - the Tomatoshpere might be something you would like to check out.
Students plant tomato seeds in different conditions and then report their results. You can register now to be a part of this cool project for 2010.
Tomatoshpere Project Website
Now this is interesting: Seeds for 2010 project are on board with Julie Payette from KSC in Florida, to the International Space Station. They will be brought back to Earth from the International Space Station later in 2009.
Tomatosphere has teacher and student resources for.
* Grades 3-4: How to Feed a Martian - a unit with a nutrition focus for astronauts' trips to the Red Planet
* Grade 6: Surviving on the Red Planet - Recycling breathable air
* Grades 7-8: The Martian environment - a weather station on Mars
* Grades 9-10: The Energy to Survive - nutritional requirements for long duration missions
Monday, November 9, 2009
Olympic Torch Run
My son and his classmates were part of the entertainment at the Olympic Torch Relay celebration in La Ronge. Special thanks to their teacher Pascal Chabot.
Great job kids!
To get vaccinated? or Not to get vaccinated?....that is the question

If you are still considering whether to get vaccinated or not. Here is some information that may or may not help you decide. I have had this debate with family and friends over the past four weeks and have heard many "Myths" around the debate. I found this information helpful (especially the point made that a can of tuna has four times more mercury than the type of mercury found in the flu shot). I hope this information can help you make the right decision.
Considering the Options – Getting the flu versus getting a vaccine or taking an antiviral
When considering your options about vaccination there are a number of factors that you need to think about. This chart explains the risk of getting the flu versus the benefits and risks of getting an H1N1 flu vaccine and/or taking antiviral medication if you do get the flu.
If you catch the H1N1 Flu
If you are pregnant and become sick with the H1N1 flu there is a chance you could develop severe flu symptoms and be hospitalized.
There is a chance of early delivery or miscarriage.
Knowledge is your best defence. Take steps to protect yourself.
| Getting the H1N1 Flu Vaccine | Taking antivirals after getting the H1N1 flu. |
Benefits/Facts | Vaccines have proven benefits. Getting the H1N1 flu vaccine is the single best way to protect yourself and those around you from the H1N1 flu virus. | Antivirals may decrease the severity of sickness. |
You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. | Antivirals MUST be taken within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. | |
Vaccines are safe. The dangers from vaccine-preventable diseases (like the flu) are many times greater than the risk of a serious reaction to the vaccine. | Very little of the medication is passed through the placenta or through breast milk. | |
The H1N1flu vaccine is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Most people have no side effects from flu vaccines. | Recently Health Canada approved the use of antivirals (oseltamivir) for children less than one year of age. | |
After receiving the H1N1 flu vaccine you will have some immunity to the current strain of the H1N1 flu virus within 10 days. | If you have the flu, talk to your health care provider about treatment options. Antivirals may be one of many treatment options that they might recommend. | |
Risks | Vaccines can have side effects but they are usually mild. You need to weigh the risks of side effects with the risks of serious health problems if you catch the flu. | There is a risk of side effects with any medication including antivirals. The most common side effects of the antiviral oseltamivir include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and headaches. |
The most common side effects of flu vaccines are soreness in the arm where the vaccine was given, sore or red eyes, itchiness and for some a mild fever. Most people experience no serious side effects from flu vaccines. | The flu virus can adapt and develop resistance to antiviral drugs – this means that the drugs would no longer be effective in treating the H1N1 flu. | |
About one person for every 100,000 doses of vaccine distributed will have a severe reaction to a flu vaccine, including anaphylaxis or Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). | Rare cases of anaphylaxis and serious skin reactions, including toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and erythema multiform, have been reported with the antiviral oseltamivir. | |
Myth Busting | Thimerosal is a form of mercury used in the H1N1 flu vaccine to stabilize it and maintain its quality during storage. Thimerosal is a different form of mercury than the mercury known to cause health problems. The amount in flu vaccines is much less than the daily limit recommended – for example a can of tuna fish has four times the amount of mercury as the thimerosal in the H1N1 flu vaccine. | Antivirals are not appropriate for everyone. Talk to your health care provider about whether taking antivirals to treat the flu is appropriate for you. |
If you receive the H1N1 flu vaccine you are at no greater risk of acquiring Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a neurological condition that occurs in approximately two in 100,000 people per year and is most often associated with foodborne infections. The possible risk of acquiring GBS from the flu or the flu vaccine is very small. | Antivirals are taken in pill form (oseltamivir) or as an inhaled medication (zanamivir). They are not given by injections. | |
An adjuvanted vaccine is a vaccine that includes a substance that boosts an individual's immune system and increases their response to a vaccine. An unadjuvanted vaccine has no "booster" element. Adjuvanted vaccines are included in common vaccines such as tetanus and hepatitis B. The adjuvant in Canada's H1N1 flu vaccine is made up of natural ingredients such as water, squalene oil and vitamin E. Unadjuvanted vaccines are preferred for pregnant women when the flu virus is not yet in the community. This is because there are less safety data available on adjuvanted vaccine use during pregnancy. | Antiviral drugs given for treatment of the flu usually need to be taken for five |
Friday, November 6, 2009
Remembrance Week
November 5 to 11 is Veterans' Week - a time to think about those who have lost their lives serving our country. For me it is important to take time to remember as my father was a veteran and many family members lost their lives when they served in WWI and II. It is also a time to think about what is going on in the world today and reflect on the tasks that our soldiers are currently engaged in in Afghanistan and other places around the world. It is also time for us to think about our relations with other countries and how important it is to protect Canada. We should be thankful for our great country and the quality of life that we all have here.
There are many resources on the internet that you can go to learn more about Canada's Military and their role in past wars, current missions and the protection of us as citizens of Canada. I have provided a few links to some sites.
Enjoy the musical rendition of in Flanders Fields and make sure you visit

Flanders Fields Music
Veterans' Website
Canadian Military History Gateway
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Language Culture and Identity
The message is clear.....language, culture and identity are inextricably bound together. This was an inspiring re-visit to last year's news.
Aboriginal languages are disappearing. What does this mean for First Nation communities across the country? What is to become of Dene and Cree language in Northern Saskatchewan? What implications does loss of language have for Northern Saskatchewan communities? How are aboriginal people holding onto culture and identity? Students in the Native Studies 10 class have been asked to respond to this video and offer their views of how language is tied to identity. Thank you for the inspiration Akina Shirt. Please comment below. Share your own thoughts and reactions to the video.
Monday, November 2, 2009

The show can be seen weekdays on PBS and Discovery Kids.
The website is full of games and other stuff. It is worth the visit. Best of all, KIDS LOVE IT!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sharing Ghostly Stories

Storytelling has been an important means of passing on oral history over the centuries. Yesterday we visited the site of a former building in La Ronge that was said to be haunted. Our monthly assembly was devoted to ghostly stories and the origins of Halloween. This live web conference was attended by online learners who took time out from their personal schedules to participate and share their stories. We connected a laptop to a wireless modem, turned on a web cam and strolled around the site of the haunting during the conference.
After the conference was over, the laptop and camera found it's way up to the CBC La Ronge studio to visit with Tom Roberts.
If you would like to see what took place, listen to some stories and find out more about the origins of Halloween, click on the link to the recorded session. The recording is approximately 45 minutes in length.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
You are invited to join the Scary Story Web Conference
Tuesday, October 27 could change your life!!! A live web conference will be held to share scary stories and talk about the true meaning of HALLOWEEN. All students are invited to participate in this session. Think of a short story to share if you want to be considered for the ultimate frightening story. Participants will be allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to scare us all. Every community has it's scary place where strange things have happened. People are reluctant to go there even during the daytime. Do you know of such a place? Tell us about it on Tuesday.
Be prepared to be verrryyyy affraaiiiidddd!
To enter the web conference on Tuesday, enter The PIT at 1:50 and click on the headset.

Do you know a talented, innovative or caring person between the ages of 15 and 24 who deserves recognition for their achievements or contributions to their community? Nominate them:
"We have amazing young people in this province," Premier Brad Wall said. "It is important to honour and recognize the achievements and contributions of our province's youth as they work to secure a bright future, not only for themselves, but for Saskatchewan."
All nominations are adjudicated by an independent committee, comprised of members of the Saskatchewan Honours Advisory Council and youth representatives. Each year, nominees will be recommended based on a broad range of achievements and endeavours including, but not limited to, leadership, volunteerism, innovation, artistic or cultural accomplishments, academic excellence, athletics and other personal achievements.
The nomination deadline is December 31, 2009. For a nomination form, or more information on the Saskatchewan Youth Award, call toll-free 1-877-427-5505 or visit the website at
Monday, October 19, 2009
House by the River

Here is a website set up to share what a house building hobby looks like: House By the River This is the sort of thing an online teacher (or anyone else for that matter) can do to "unplug" after each week of being connected to computers and gadgets.
Please post comments.
If you have ever thought you might like to create your own web site, the time is now. The opportunities to create, share and collaborate are endless. Gone are the days when you had to learn code and be some sort of "Geek" to build a website. Now anyone can do it in a very short time without a great deal of fuss.
Try this tool just for fun. If you create something that you want to let others know about, please send us the link at the school. We would love to share your links.
Share your stuff
Posterus is an easy to use tool that will share whatever you want easily without any complicated set-up. You can have an instant blog, with a place to share pictures and ideas instantly.
All you need to do is go to the link and begin using the tool.
We are always finding amazing things on the Internet that other people have made. Now you can share your own amazing things. This isn't exactly Bebo, or Facebook, but you might find it useful for sharing things with your class, your family, or the world.
If you make something that you want to share, please send the link to so that we can link it to this blog.
Do you want to learn Cree online?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Classroom Twitter
Friday, October 9, 2009
2009 Lt. Gov. Awards
![]() |
From 2009 Lt Gov Awards |
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
U of T Ancient Discovery
A U of T professor explains how the story of humankind is changing after the discovery of 'Ardi,' a hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Calling all Northern Students! NASA needs a logo!
Kindergarten – Grade 4: $100.00
Grade 5 – Grade 8: $200.00
Grade 9 – Grade 12: $300.00
Submissions will be accepted until
Northern Administration Students Association
Outreach and Transition Programs
Dean’s Office,
S7N 5A9
Telephone: (306)-966-6959
Toll Free: (888)-966-6959
Fax: (306)-966-5237
For more information on the contest or about NASA ( in general, feel free to contact John Desjarlais, or Amy Lafontaine,
Please note, NASA reserves the right to use submissions how we deem appropriate and more than one submission may be used.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Roof Ripped Right Off Building in Moose Jaw

+ 90km/hr winds ripped the roof off this building in Moose Jaw, Sk. on Tuesday morning.
"The roof of the building, a multi-story apartment block, lifted straight up and just flipped over and onto the building beside it. There was bits and pieces flying with one great big gust of wind that nearly knocked cars off the road."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Are you ready?
This survey (from will ask you to assess your own confidence level with many of the technology and learning skills you will need to succeed in online course work. Please click on the number that best matches your own confidence level at this time. When you are finished, click the Check My Score button to see your score for each skills category.
Based on your skills rating, the results page may also display suggested links for you to improve certain skills. The rating score of this survey is for your own purposes. Your answers are not sent to or stored in a database.
Click on this link to see the survey.GED 2009
Here in Northern Saskatchewan there are at least 3 people working with the to get ready for the GED tests this year. Help is available at the website or at 1-888-299-5680 or in La Ronge at 425-5680.
Technology in Our Schools - How do we rate?
Is technology being used effectively in your local school?
As a teacher, am I using technology effectively to provide engaging learning activities to students?
Watch the Video: How Google Saved a School
There are other videos on the page - be sure to watch them.
What do you think - is your local school making use of technology? Comments welcome.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009

On September 13, 2009, at 8:45 A.M., Ethan and Big Daddy Brent Endicott ran the 3km Mini Marathon in Regina, Saskatchewan. The Marathon itself was divided into four separate categories:
- Kid’s 5-10 Division (ages 5-10)
- Youth 11-17 Division (ages 11-17)
- 1/2 Marathon
- Full Marathon
What a FANTASTIC event, with more than 3,650 REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS FROM 7 PROVINCES & TERRITORIES, 10 STATES AND 3 COUNTRIES taking in part in this race.
Congratulations Ethan on a run well done!!!

A lecture about English
A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
September 17
If you have ever experienced this, please leave a comment below.
Friday, September 11, 2009
This week
Debbie Richardson visited three communities over three days and came back excited and exhausted. She met with students, principals, student support staff and teachers.
Tuesday was Literacy Day and the staff had a table and display set up at the event. Brent Endicott chatted with students and onlookers from his home office in Moose Jaw through the live web conference room. Kelly and Ted were available to answer questions and show people how the edcentre works. There were hot dogs, face painting, displays, and hundreds of donated books for families to take home.
On Wednesday afternoon Kona attended a presentation provided through the Ministry of Education about Provincial Exams.
Thursday morning Brent met online with a group of students from Creighton High School. guessed it ......from his home office in Moose Jaw.
This morning Kona and Kelly hosted a pankcake breakfast at the edcentre. (See Kelly's post) Now here we are again on Friday afternoon trying to stay caught up with new students.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Pancake Breakfast
James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss
About this talk
Photographer James Balog shares new image sequences from the Extreme Ice Survey, a network of time-lapse cameras recording glaciers receding at an alarming rate, some of the most vivid evidence yet of climate change.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Josh Silver demos adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses
About this talk
Josh Silver delivers his brilliantly simple solution for correcting vision at the lowest cost possible -- adjustable, liquid-filled lenses. At TEDGlobal 2009, he demos his affordable eyeglasses and reveals his global plan to distribute them to a billion people in need by 2020.
About Joshua Silver
Atomic physicist Joshua Silver invented liquid-filled optical lenses to produce low-cost, adjustable glasses, giving sight to millions without access to an optometrist.Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Information about H1N1
Welcome back to another great school year. I have attached a link below with information about the H1N1. I hope you and your family do not get it. However, there are some ways to protect yourself and your family. The website also gives steps to take when a family member is sick or shows symptoms.
Take Care,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Back in action
Remember, if you have questions call the school.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fall is in the air
Yes, it IS that magical time again. Fall is here and everyone will be back at the edcentre on August 24. If you are enrolling in classes for the fall, you can fill out an application form and fax it to the school right away. We will contact you during the last week in August.
If you have questions or need more information, call the school at 1-888-299-5680 (425-5680 if you live in the La Ronge area)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Have a great summer!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Celebration beside the Montreal River
Celebration by the River: Graduation and Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pelican Narrows Student Visit
Friday, June 12, 2009
Mrs. Cassidy's Blog
What Mrs. Cassidy is doing is a clear demonstration of the power we have to connect and share learning on a global scale.
....Another great illustration of The Schools We Need
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Way to go Debbie!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What Should Schools Look Like?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Rap from Hobbema
One for for give
I found the following summary on the K-net site:
"War Party is an award-winning Cree hip-hop group from Hobbema, Alberta. Founded in 1995 by Rex Smallboy, the group won the Canadian Aboriginal Music Award for Best Rap Album in 2001, and was nominated again in 2002 and 2003. As well, they were the first First Nations rap group to have a music video aired on Much Music. "
What do you think? Share your comments.