If you are trying to upgrade your grade 12 marks you can CHALLENGE the departmental exam. This means that you write the exam at a writing centre such as a Northlands College or a High School on the date given. What you get for a mark on the test will be your final mark.
In Northern Saskatchewan there is three official writing centres:
Buffalo Narrows Northlands College,
La Ronge Northlands College and
Creighton Northlands College.
You can register by calling 306-787-8319.
If you happen to be in the city you can write at Prince Albert (Wesmor Community High School) or Saskatoon (Aden Bowman Collegiate).
January 2009 writing exam dates are below:

Thursday, January 22
9:00 - 11:30 English Language Arts A
1:00 – 3:30 Mathematics A
Friday, January 23
9:00 – 11:30 Mathematics B
1:00 – 3:30 Biology
Monday, January 26
9:00 – 11:30 Physics
1:00 – 3:30 Mathematics C
Tuesday, January 27
9:00 – 11:30 Chemistry
1:00 – 3:30 English Language Arts B
English Language Arts examinations are marker-scored. All other examinations are machine-scored.
* ALL STUDENTS shall have the option of taking up to 30 minutes of additional time (after the scheduled conclusion time) to complete the examination(s). The examination centre must remain open an additional 30 minutes to accommodate students requiring this extra time.
Print dictionaries may be used for the following examinations:
English Language Arts A 30 (8017) Mathematics A 30 (8404)
English Language Arts B 30 (8018) Mathematics B 30 (8405)
Chemistry 30 (8212) Mathematics C 30 (8406)
No electronic dictionaries, translation dictionaries, or any notes or reference materials are allowed.
Calculators may be used in the following examinations:
Chemistry 30 (8212) Mathematics A 30 (8404) Mathematics B 30 (8405)
Physics 30 (8213) Mathematics C 30 (8406)
• Before an examination begins, all calculators must be inspected by a mathematics or science teacher to ensure all information stored in memory is cleared.
• Calculators that have built-in notes (definitions or explanations in alpha notation) that cannot be cleared are not permitted.
For examinations in mathematics and science, candidates should supply themselves with protractors, compasses, and graduated rulers (marked in centimetres). The required mathematical and scientific tables are supplied by the Ministry of Education.
Text Books/Manuals:
The Chemistry examination is an open-book examination. Any number of authorized textbooks may be used. Students’ notebooks are allowed into the examination room. The laboratory manual may be included as part of the notebook. However, examinations/quizzes/prototype exams are NOT considered to be part of a student’s notebook and, therefore, are NOT allowed into the examination room.

1 comment:
In Northern Saskatchewan there is three official writing centres:
There is a problem with the grammar in the above sentence......can you find it?
Hint: is = singular
are = plural
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