The first online assembly this year was a success. Many students from a number of communities participated. The discussion focused on planning for success in online classes. Students came up with a good list of things that they should do to be successful - we all know though - that knowing what to do and doing it are two different things. So what was on the list...

Students were happy to learn that they are eligible to win several different awards by being successful in their classes.
Lucky winners of the assembly participation awards for this assembly were: Kim, Alysha, Trisha, and Susan. They will all look good in their gear!!
Thanks Debbie, what a great idea to post the image from the brainstorm!
Did you use Jing
Yes I used Jing. It was very easy to capture the image from the archived presentation. Pretty slick tool for anyone who wants to share images and videos on the net.
For more info on Jing, there is a previous Blog post.
There was five passes made
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