This site is an opportunity for participants in the online learning community to find out what is happening or discuss and share new ideas.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A $40 Smartboard.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
What's Wrong With Our Food System?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Go Riders!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Bibliotherapy (Book Therapy)
Everyone can benefit from reading books especially books that help you to become a more self-confident, balanced, healthy person. The books below are great to read if you have trouble keeping the "bad" out of your life. Often people will just try to avoid others or build "walls" to protect themselves. This works for awhile but eventually we suffer because these walls also keep the "good" out. We want to be able to let as much "good" into our lives as possible. The answer: Learn how to set personal boundaries and let others know what they are clearly, respectfully, and assertively. Also healthy boundaries have clear consequences that must be enforced if others overstep them. The examples given in the books show how people who were manipulated, controlled, and abused at a young age have trouble setting and keeping boundaries as adults. The books also look at the different types of boundaries such as boundaries with parents, children, internet, food, drugs/alcohol, marriage, etc. It is helpful to read conversations in the books that show one person trying to keep focused on the boundary while the other person tries to manipulate, abuse, or control. I hope you read these smart straightforward common sense books or others like them. They will definitely help you to take "good" care of yourself.

Edcentre visits Saskatoon Public Online Centre
I recently had a chance to visit another online learning provider in Saskatoon, SK. The Saskatoon Public School Division's Online Learning Centre is located in Room 6 of the Evan Hardy Collegiate on Saskatoon's east side. They provide online learning opportunities to staff and students from K-12. Donna Veale leads the project and a staff of approximately 12 full and part-time teachers and developers.
It was interesting to observe the various similarities and differences between the OLC and We are similar in the way we provide alternative learning opportunities for students; online delivery of courses and the ability to work at a pace chosen by the learner rather than the teacher. The use, and the limits, of technology are shared. Like, the OLC tries to reduce the amount of paper used during the learning process, especially in the math courses. In these instances students fax their completed assignments to the instructor, and with upwards of 30 students per class, the amount of paper used can be substantial.
The differences between the two online learning providers were varied. Saskatoon Public's Online Learning Centre uses the Blackboard learning management system, whereas, uses an open-source web program called Moodle. They are essentially both learning management systems but have different capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages. Another difference to note is the enrollment of students; continually enrolls new students in courses throughout the year, however; the OLC has registration deadlines and population limits. These are the two predominant differences and the others vary in scope.
Professional development is key to stay relevant in an increasingly changing education environment and the opportunity to collaborate with fellow distance ed. teachers was a great learning experience. I have made some new contacts and look forward to incorporating new ideas and perspectives into my practice.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Live Talk Session a Success
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Edcentre goes South...end
On November 3, 2010 five Edcentre staff went on a site visit to Southend.
Picture (left to right):
Rita Lowenburg (Literacy)
Kona Byson (Native Studies 20)
Behind the camera:
Nadia Persaud (GED)
We took a pit stop at the Churchill River. Some of us even braved walking on the bridge. As you could see, I didn't even make it off the shore...
And what is road trip without any car troubles. Here Kona and Jason answered the aged old question: How many instructors does it take to lock in a car seat?
Once at Southend, we were greeted with a handful of community members eager to learn about the Edcentre and all it has to offer. The afternoon was packed with presentations, prizes, and even a mini writing lesson was squeezed in for one of the lucky students.
We spent the rest of the afternoon meeting the community and setting up their learning centre with PLATO and other online tools.
The Memory Project

This nationwide bilingual project will create a record of Canada’s participation in the Second World War as seen through the eyes of thousands of veterans. The Memory Project will provide every living Second World War veteran with the opportunity to share their memories through oral interviews and digitized artifacts and memorabilia. These stories and artifacts will be available on this site for teachers, students and the general public.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Kelly @ Sciematics
Monday, November 1, 2010
Teaching Machines

Teacher is a robot
“It’s a typical classroom scene: Students working at their desks as the teacher calls out instructions,” reports. “But, unlike your average teacher, this one is made of plastic and computer circuits. This isn’t a sci-fi movie; it’s an English-language class taught by Engkey, a robot teacher, in the coastal city of Masan in South Korea. Part of a pilot program launched by the South Korean government, students in two elementary schools in the city are being taught English by robot teachers. In high-tech South Korea, robots serve a variety of educational purposes and the government is pressing ahead with plans to expand its robot learning, or ‘R-learning,’ program.”
Navigating Through WorldWideWeb Waters is Tricky
Check out the websites and see for yourself.
Pacific Tree Octopus
Dog Island
I have introduced them to a tool that helps them tell if a website is legit or a hoax.
It was a neat eye-opener to see how the internet can be very "saavy".
Monday, October 25, 2010
Times are a Changin'
I have the unique opportunity to develop courses that have never been taught before. I am like the Mike Holmes of math development and like his motto "Makin' It Right" implies, I too am wanting to make it right. Therefore, I extend my hand out to you. If you are experienced in a trade or other math related profession and would like to lend your expertise or suggestions, I would very much appreciate it; or maybe you know of a person currently working in the field and can pass on the invitation. Any feedback would greatly enhance the course for the students who are currently enrolled or who plan to enroll in the future.
Jason Murfin
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Archived live event
We all are part of the magic of changes in the world and in our own lives.
If you would like to view the session here is the link
Be sure to have your sound turned on.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dr. Anthony Muhammad

edcentre staff visit Batoche

Batoche displays the remains of the village of Batoche on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River. It was the lastbattlefield in the Northwest Rebellion of 1885. Louis Riel selected Batoche as the headquarters of his "Provisional Government of Saskatchewan". Several buildings have been restored within the site. The site depicts the lifestyles of the Métis of Batoche between 1860 and 1900 - the trails they walked, their homes, their church, and the Battle of Batoche, May 9-12, 1885. (from Parks Canada's website)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence
Plants behave in some oddly intelligent ways: fighting predators, maximizing food opportunities ... But can we think of them as actually having a form of intelligence of their own? Italian botanist Stefano Mancuso presents intriguing evidence.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
How web video powers global innovation
TED's Chris Anderson says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated Innovation -- a self-fueling cycle of learning that could be as significant as the invention of print. But to tap into its power, organizations will need to embrace radical openness. And for TED, it means the dawn of a whole new chapter ...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Visitors @
What Is Your Water Footprint?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saskatchewan Canoe Quest
There is nothing like the sight of a flotilla of voyaguer class canoes on the water and I can say from experience that there is nothing like paddling in one of these canoes as a participant. We wish all of the adventurer/competitors all the best.
Thanks to Martina for sending the link! Saskatchewan Canoe Quest
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Celebration Of Learning
Stay tuned for pictures and award recipient information. The event will be archived and a link provided for anyone who would like to view the proceedings at a later time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Giant Python on the Loose
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Happy World Oceans Day
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Brian Skerry reveals ocean's glory -- and horror
Photographer Brian Skerry shoots life above and below the waves -- as he puts it, both the horror and the magic of the ocean. Sharing amazing, intimate shots of undersea creatures, he shows how powerful images can help make change.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Where's Waldo
Waldo Berg has been an instructor for Northlands College for many years as well as a contributor to CBC radio.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Have you thought about the environment lately?
Furthermore, the BP rep (Drinkwater) offered no answers on the safety of drilling in the Arctic and declined to answer any technical questions. (I say sorry BP, the regulations stand.) Unfortunately, I wonder if the government can be trusted to make the right decision. In general oil companies and government do not have a good track record when it comes to environmental concerns. So what can we do - its time to make some NOISE!!!!
Reports on BP meets Canada's Government
Canada Grills BP on Arctic Plans Video Report: by Global Report
Interesting Stats on Effect of Oil Spill on Land --WOW!!
by the way in case you don't know...........Canada is still soliciting bids for exploration licenses in the Beaufort Sea and the Mackenzie River delta in the Northwest Territories. The locations up for grabs include a parcel of land roughly 200 kilometres offshore, to the west of existing leases owned by BP and Imperial Oil. (full article)
Something to think about - our consumption of oil and gas.
And......let's not forget about the environmental disaster created at the Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta (same oil companies and government acceptance of "relaxed" regulations)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Google yourself
Whatever information you have shared on the web will influence potential employers. It makes sense to reconsider posting something that may be a poor reflection of your character at some point in the future. You many not be aware of this but you probably already have an online portfolio of sorts that can be gathered together through search engines by anyone out there.
We know that the web has an archival history even though some sites or information may have been removed. (Way Back Machine can find web pages that are no longer active.) As digital citizens we need to recognize that we have a web presence the moment we share something. When you post to a public network it is open for the world to see.
Just as an experiment, try googling yourself to see what sort of web presence you have. What does your digital footprint look like? Will Richardson suggested at the May IT Summit conference in Saskatoon that we need to teach young people about their digital footprints and what it means to have a web presence. The future for our children and grandchildren involves realities we haven't imagined. Part of the reality will be what our children and grandchildren create. What their footprint will look like is hard to say, but one thing for certain is that it will be different from the network and connections we currently have access to.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Craig Venter unveils "synthetic life"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Hubble pictures suggest Milky Way fell together

New infrared images of the Milky Way globular cluster 47 Tucanae (this one recorded at a wavelength of 1.6 micrometers), reveal that both the cluster and the Milky Way's central bulge are 11 billion to 12 billion years old and may have formed simultaneously with the Milky Way’s halo.H. Richer, NASA, ESA
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Who do you read?
- Gardening: Northern Exposure Gardening (La Ronge)
- Sports:
- Education: Top 100 Education Blogs
Friday, May 7, 2010
Google Wave is coming.....
I think Google Wave will really be worth a look. There are so many interesting ways it might be used to connect people. We have been using Google Docs to collaborate on documents and archive them in a common space. Google Wave takes this into another dimension. I am asking myself how it will be different from many of the social networking tools. Google Wave might be really useful for learning networks.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
27 DAYS!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It Won't Be A Secret Anymore
At 2:00PM on Wednesday April 28, come to the school assembly to find out what the secret is.
I can guarantee that it will be worth your time, especially if you are thinking about getting your courses completed before the June deadline.
To participate in the school assembly, make sure your earphones, speakers or headset is on and go to:
Type your name and enter as a guest.
Remember.....2:00 PM Wednesday, April 28.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
web jargon
Monday, April 19, 2010
Small world
Travel throughout the world has been impacted by the volcanic eruption in Iceland over last week and now over Newfoundland this week. We are connected in more ways than are apparent on the surface. The eruption at Mt. St. Helen over a decade ago had far reaching impact across North America due to the volcanic ash. Events that take place far beyond borders are like ripples and waves on water. What sort of tsunami like impacts might we expect as a result of events both positive and negative in other regions of the planet?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Carlin's latest guitar video
Carlin is taking an online class through the edcentre. He regularly posts new video.
If you have an interest in guitar, you are encouraged to subscribe and perhaps share some of your own work.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Are YOU a procrastinator?
Biology 30 Creighton Students
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Weekly Journals
Hi there Kelly, thank you for the set up for question eight. I have been able to follow along and have the basic understanding for elimination. I will have my question faxed to you some time this week. If I do get stuck again, I will surely contact you for help. The video you sent was very helpful, because I am learning online without an instructor in front of me going through it step by step, I find the video very beneficial as a learning tool. I learn better when my teacher walks through the steps with me, it helps me better understand what I need to do for the lesson I am trying to learn. Thanks again Kelly, Sincerely yours, *****.
I appreciate this students reflection. As an Online Teacher I don't get to see the faces of my students very often. I miss the "I got it" look that a student will give when they finally understand a concept that was giving them trouble.
Thank you ***** for letting me know that you had that look.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Logo Compeition
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010

What Physical Activity did you do today???
Are you as physically activity as you should be???
Are you concerned about the amount of physical activity that young people are involved in!!!!
Attention Saskatchewan Youth .... win prizes!!
S.Y.N.C with
From March 6 - 15th trivia questions will be posted on the following social media outlets:
Twitter - @Kenji22
Facebook Group - Generation Action
Blog -
or Text 550-9646
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010
Proud to be Canadian

As the Olympics come to a close this weekend, one wonders whether the exuberant display of patriotism will live on. I don't think I can remember an event where we have such as display our Canada flag. All Olympic competition areas have been a sea of red. (maybe Canadians caught the colors bug from the Saskatchewan Roughriders)
As CTV were out interviewing people on the street many foreigners commented that they didn't think we were very patriotic - humm... so why would they think that!! It isn't the type of constant in your face patriotism displayed by the USA - but rather a patriotism of the calmer kind.
The other thing that I noticed about this world class event is the exposure that our Aboriginal peoples have had - wonderful!!
I hope that the Olympics has helped us to remind us of what a great country we live in. We have more Canadian heroes - let's celebrate!!! (Wish I had one pair of the 3million mittens that were sold- I'd frame them)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
There are two ways to get to your online course.
1. Go to and click on the log-in link. (less direct)
2. Go to (this will work when the other link doesn't)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Show Us Your North!
You can participate to make help this website a vibrant showcase of the wonderful creative people in our Northern communities.
You might interview artists, tell or write stories, take photographs or video, write and perform songs, look into the history of an art form in your community, look into the history of a building in your community that has hosted arts and cultural events over the years….the list of possibilities is endless.
If you know of an artist, craftsperson, carver, basket maker, sled maker, snowshoe builder, film maker, musician, painter, dancer or storyteller in your community, please let us know. We'll try to set up a web conference.
If you have digital images of Northern Art work you would like to share, please contact us the online school. We would love to post images on this blog to share with others.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Congratulations to Joseph Custer, winner of the semester one course completion draw!
A draw took place on Tuesday, February 9 to give away a brand new LG netbook. Names in the draw included all students who had completed courses within the first semester of this year.
Thank you to everyone who showed up for the draw session.
Door Prize Winners:
Wendy Saam, Racheal Madsen, Cheyanne Charles
This June another draw will take place and a similar prize will be given away.
Every online student who competes a course is automatically entered in the completion draw. If you are an online student taking a course through the edcentre, make sure your name ends up in the completion draw.
Hints For Success:
- Organize yourself.
- Set up a location where you can work without interruption.
- Establish a schedule and stick to it.
- Set reasonable targets for yourself.
- Communicate with your instructor and ask questions.
- Communicate with your fellow online students.
- Be ruthless with yourself. If you miss time you have scheduled for your class, make up the owe it to yourself.
- Be persistent
- Never give up!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Thousands participate in snowball fight

We know the power of social networking. How do we harness that power for use in our classrooms? Feel free to leave a comment or to invite me to your snowball fight!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Goal Setting
Learning Edge 8 - Goal Setting
Friday, February 5, 2010
Drugs and Kids

There is a wealth of information relating to drugs on the internet which we can all gain knowledge from. As a starter I would suggest a visit to Canada Health website.
They also provide parents with a guide to help you talk with your kids. Start learning today and take a peek at this valuable resource. Talking With Your Teen About Drugs.
So maybe the next time we are on the internet reading our Facebook gossip, it would be a good idea to investigate a little about drugs, and educate ourselves to something that is a growing problem in all communities.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Saskatchewan artist wins gold in Italy
Northern Craft: The Robertson Trading Collection

Craft people in Northern Saskatchewan lost a friend and patron this week with the passing of Alex Robertson. [Click here for obituary].
When Alex and his wife Phyllis opened the Robertson’s Trading Post in La Ronge in 1967, he came with a love of First Nations Craft that had been acquired during 25 years of travel throughout northern Canada as a fur buyer for the Hudson Bay Company. He soon became a supporter of Craft Artists, then a collector, then a patron in the truest sense of the word.
Click here to see some of the Craft Collection on display at the Saskatchewan Craft Council.
La Ronge Good Good-Morning Toastmasters Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Good Good-Morning Toastmasters is celebrating their 15th Anniversary on Wednesday February 3, 2010 from 7-9 p.m. at the La Ronge Hotel & Suites. Everyone is invited to attend and coffee and finger foods will be provided. A fun-filled evening is planned with present members, past members,executive members and honored guests.
The first meeting of the Good Good -Morning Toastmasters Club No. 9842 was held Monday, March 25th 1994. The charter club had a membership of 22. Meetings were held in the Mistasinihk Building Boardroom at 6 a.m. Audrey Mark reminisces, “I still cannot believe that I would get up and meet at six bloody clock in the morning.” Today the club meets at noon hour but still retains the original name.
The action packed programme includes 5 recognition awards, appreciation awards and gifts as well as door prizes. The Good Good-Morning Toastmasters Club looks forward to another great 15 years of achieving goals, helping others improve their leadership and communication skills, and having FUN!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Science Leadership Academy
Imagine a school where learning is based on asking questions, (inquiry) collaborating and engaging in projects in order to learn and discover. Imagine a school where technology is just part of what people do, like using a telephone, or buying groceries with a debit card.
Imagine a school where using technology is not viewed as innovative or something new, it is simply part of everyday learning.
What's the Right Thing to Do?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Check out this website to make interactive personal timelines!
This site would be great for students to make their own life time line and predictions of their future based on their goals.
Am I at risk

Group warns 'perfect storm' of heart disease looms
I heard on the radio Monday that at the age of 38 I am at risk for high blood pressure. Young Canadians (20 - 39) are not as healthy now as they were just a few years ago. Read and listen to the story here. Then go for a walk!